YetiCodeCamp - C++ for Beginners

Companion website for the C++ for Beginners YouTube video series.

C++ for Beginners Video Series

Welcome to the companion website to the C++ for Beginners video series on YouTube.

This site will contain material to supplement the videos and help you learn to program in C++.

For an overview of the CodeBlocks installation process and a few other setup tips/tricks, refer to:

Initial Setup of Code Blocks IDE

A Word on Comments

Compile Programs from the Windows Command Line

Using the Vim Text Editor

Video Playlist

The latest videos each have their own separate companion page:

Video 12 - Pointers

Video 11 - C++ Vectors

Video 10 - Multidimensional Arrays and Introduction to Vectors

Video 09 - Arrays

Video 08 - Menu Program and Switch Statement

Video 07 - Multiple Files

The rest of the series is listed below for now.

Lesson 1 - Hello World


The first video covers downloading, installing, and using the Code::Blocks IDE.

We then go over the simple Hello World program automatically generated by the IDE, as shown below:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
    return 0;

Lesson 2 - Improved Hello World

Lesson 2.1 - Improved Hello World (part 2)

Lesson 3 - Variables and Functions


Logical Operators:  && AND,  || OR,  ! NOT

Assignment Operators: "=" assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left.  Ex:  int a = 10;

There are also +=. -=, *=, /=, and %= assignment operators.

int a = 5;
a += 5;   // a is now equal to 10, this operator adds 5  to a's original value then assigns the new sum back to 'a'.

int b = 10;

b -= 5;   // b is now equal to 5, this operator subtracts 5  from b's original value then assigns the result back to 'b'.

int c = 5;
c *= 5;   // c is now equal to 25, this operator multiplies 5  to c's original value then assigns the result back to 'c'.

Declaration: the functions name, return type, and parameters (if any). Definition: the body of the function (code to be executed).

Functions are declared in the format:

return-type functionName(parameters)  

Function Declaration Example:

int myFunction(param1, param 2)
 - returns an int, name is myFunction, and accepts two parameters.

Variable Declaration:   int a;

Creates a variable named 'a' that is of type int (integer).

Variable Initialization:   a = 22;

 Previously declared variable 'a' is assigned the value of '22'.

Variable Declaration and Initialization:  float pi = 3.14159;

Creates a new variable of the float type named pi and is assigned the value 3.14159

The 'if' statement is used to execute a block of C++ code if a condition evaluates to true.

Lesson 4 - Running Executables outside of CodeBlocks

Lesson 5 - Blocks, Scopes, and the Scope Resolution Operator